Annual Meeting of Human Right Treaty Monitoring Coordination Center (HRTMCC) – 2018


Informal Sector Service Center (INSEC) as a secretariat organization of Human Right Treaty Monitoring Coordination Centre (HRTMCC) organized  Annual meeting with in committee members at Kathmandu on 2018 July 27th.  Meeting held on the presidency of INSEC Chairperson Subodh Raj Pyakurel.  Including secretariat organization INSEC and other sub-committees like ICCPR, ICESCR, CEDAW, CAT, CRC, CRPD representing organization review on the progress and outcome of the committees in the fiscal year 2017-2018. Discussed on the way forwards to cope gaps and challenges faced by the organizations being part of the committee.

From the meeting New Committee was formed for the International Convention for the protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance in the coordination of COCAP. From the Unanimous decision in the meeting decide to give the responsibility of Secretariat to INSEC.

INSEC Chairperson Subodh Raj Pyakurel focused on the emphasize of Civil Society Organizations unity to fight for the Human Right and social Justices movement, without being isolated in the changing context. Human Right Defender Bhawani Parshad Kharel addresses the importance of Civil Society role and responsibility as a watch dog in the government’s weak decision. He requests all the subcommittee members for the unity involvement movement.   Based on the Big 9 Treaties, 78 Civil Society Organizations has been involving and working to monitor the implementation process, progress of the treaties and continually doing lobby advocacy for the implementation.