Capacity Building Training Held



Surkhet, February 4, 2019
Informal Sector Service center (INSEC) organized capacity building training to Human rights watch group at Birendranagar Municipality Surkhet, with financial support from KIOS under the program “Increasing access of Local People especially disadvantaged groups to public resources and government services/entitlements in regards to education, food and health”.
Members from human right watch group, local representatives, and stakeholders from the health, education and agriculture unit of the Municipality including 30 participants attended the training. Law secretary of Minister of Council, Karnali Province Kalanidhi Paudel facilitated on law and provision of the province regarding the economic, social and cultural rights based on the constitution of Nepal. Similarly Mohanmaya Dhakal deputy Mayor of the municipality facilitates about the role and responsibility of local government to protect and promote ESC rights and right to education, food and health in local level. Conduct interaction and group discussion on existing law and policies of local government regarding health, education and food rights at their municipality. Participants show their active participation and discussed on the existing gaps and need in the policies to implementation process.
The training becomes a way to build the relationship between civil society loose networks (HRWG) and local representatives. Similarly provides platform to analyze the strengths and weakness in existing policies to implementation process sitting together concluding feedbacks for the better performance of local government that will be appropriate for making the action plan more effective, efficiency, relevance and accountable through public participation in the coming days said by Narayan Subedhi, Coordinator Karnali Province INSEC.