The Human Rights Watch group has been reformed in the district in coordination of advocate Punam Singh during the assembly held in Kanchanpur on August 28.
The members of the re-formed group includes chairperson Bhagirath Joshi of Bar Association, Bhuwan Kunwar of COCAP, chairperson Bharati Singh of Women rights defender network, Amir Tiruwa of Sanjebani Nepal, Anita Dhungana of disabled women federation , journalists BP Anmol, Mohan Bista and Lily Kunwar. Similarly, Komal Niranjan Bhatt, a district representative of INSEC has been appointed as the secretary of the watch group.
The watch group is established by INSEC Kanchanpur with the objective of making concerned authority accountable by making them responsible. The watch group has been working since five years for the protection and promotion of Human Rights and Social justice.