INSEC Organized Interaction on 5th National human Rights Action Plan in Kathmandu

Informal Sector Service Center (INSEC) has organized interaction among the civil society representatives, human rights activists, representatives of the Government of Nepal and Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee for Law, Justice and Human Rights regarding the Fifth National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP) on August 6, 2019 at Kathmandu. The objective of the program is to enhance the engagement of activists during the preparation of NHRAP for ensuring the guarantee of state’s constitutional and international obligations into the plan. Similarly, this engagement will ensure the space for CSO’s contribution for achieving the targets and monitor the implementation at three spheres of the state. Furthermore, CSOs/activists are capacitated for questioning to the authorities for enhancing their accountability. During the program Joint-secretary of Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Minister Koshal Chandra Subedi presented the draft of Fifth NHRAP where 61 (36 Male, 21Female and 4 others) participated and shared their critical concerns and constructive feedbacks.

Chief Guest Krishna Bhakta Pokhrel, Chairperson of Parliamentary Committee for Law Justice and Human Rights, suggested to the NHRAP drafting committee for further clarification of the document by making its achievement measurable. He added that the qualitative and quantitative targets should be made tangible so that the monitoring of implementation and achievements can demonstrate the progress. He further ensured to the participants that the parliamentary committee he chaired will act proactively to make this action plan in line with the Constitution, state owned international obligations and Period Plan of Nepal. Guest of the program Secretary of the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Minister Dilliraj Ghimire informed that the government has consulted with the provincial and local government during the drafting phase. He further clarified that the government has envisioned the participation of CSO for implementation of the plan and its monitoring.

Human Rights and Political Expert to the President of Nepal and Founder Chairperson of INSEC, Sushil Pyakurel, Founder of Women for Human Rights, Lily Thapa, Ex-Commissioner of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Kapil Shrestha, and Chairperson of NGO Federation of Nepal Jitram Lama highlighted that the upcoming NHRAP should provide space for civil society to contribute and monitor the implementation. They suggested that the plan should clarify the state agencies’ responsibility in achieving the sectoral targets rather explaining in general.

Participants (experts, practitioners, activists and academia) focused their concerns in implementation of the plan. They have highlighted that the planning team should learn from the review of the previous documents and plan accordingly to address the drawbacks of the previous plans. The participants further suggested that the planners should specify the role with proper information for local, provincial and federal government. Furthermore, reporting mechanisms, periodic review and update of the plan should be provisioned into the document. Representatives further stressed that the sectoral issues of LGBTIQ, Person with Disability, Women and other Minorities should further prioritized in the plan.

The program is chaired by INSEC Chairperson Dr. Indira Shrestha who has highlighted the role of civil society for creating informed rights holders to claim their rights. In addition, she suggested the government to be sincere to fulfill their commitments through the different plans, policies and laws. Executive Director Bijay Raj Gautam highlighted the objective and context of the interaction. He further informed to the floor that INSEC will further engage with the drafting committee with suggestion and also engage in future to educate and monitor this plan.