Interaction between elected representatives and representatives
Kanchanpur, 23rd April, 2019 .
INSEC organized Status of Human Rights Friendly Laws in Local Level titled interaction between elected representatives and representatives if civil society in Belauri Municipality, Kanchanpur on 23rd April, 2019. It was continuation of previous year. 2018 was taken as ‘Law Making Year’ of local government’s leaders. Thus, INSEC initiated for CSOs and leaders meet last year too. The program contributed in law making process and better understanding of the issues to local government’s leaders. This time too interaction basically held with the aim of creating a platform to bring CSOs and elected representatives in a forum. The discussion was focused especially on policy formulation and mechanisms for implementation of policies at local government. Also, the best practices of good governance were shared among local level leaders and civil society. During the discussion, a brief review was done on the passed and enacted laws of local governments.
Meantime, feedback and suggestions was provided by civil society networks for formulation of policies and programs which ensures human rights of the people. Elected representatives of Belauri Municipality also shared the progress of two years. It is hoped trust building environment is developed between civil societies and elected bodies which will contribute to develop laws/policies related to livelihood and natural resources mobilization from the perspective of Human Right and mainstreaming GESI.
The interaction basically covered the issues as follows:
- How civil society contribute in law making and implementing process
- Roles of civil society to ensure good governance in local level
- The transparency of local government
The interaction concludes as civil society and local government’s collaboration is must to establish good governance and ensure human rights in local level.
-Sarita Puri