Training on Capacity Development of Youth for Human Rights

A training program on capacity development of youth for human rights was organized by INEC affiliated youth group of Kaski and District Youth Committee of Kaski on November 7.

While facilitating the training NHRC regional acting director Neetu Gartaula stressed that the human rights culture will develop in the nation only if youth are informed about their rights.

She added that it is important to let youth know what is right or wrong. INSEC western regional coordinator Shiva Khakurel said that youth plays important role in promoting human rights.

Facilitating the training, ASI Tanka Paudel of DPO said that it is very sad that drug addict are increasing in Pokhara despite of working sensibly in this area.

He added that concerned authority must seriously think about this serious issue of drug addiction among the youth.

INSEC western regional office