Originally published
• The districts with COVID-19 positive cases has now decreased to 70 from 77, with 40 deaths. According to the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP), age group of 91 per cent COVID-19 cases ranged from 11 to 50; 86 per cent cases are men. In five Provinces, transmission has been classified as clusters of cases, while the remaining two have been classified as having sporadic cases, according to WHO (Daily Briefing, 20 July, MoHP).
• The country lock-down starting on 24 March, 2020, eased from 15 June with limited services open, is further extended to 22 July, 2020.
• The high-level committee meeting of the MoHP was held under the chairmanship of the Honourable Minister, MoHP to make available the paid PCR test services from some Government designated COVID-19 hospital laboratories, selected Provincial Public Health laboratories and some private hospitals and laboratories at a rate not exceeding NPR 5,500 (WHO Nepal, Situation Update #13, 14 July, 2020).
• As per the Government of Nepal (GoN) decision, public transport entrepreneurs resumed their services from 20 July, following all health safety guidelines issued by the GoN amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
• The Ministry of Tourism is working on a tentative plan to start the domestic flights from 5 August and international flights from 17 August.
• Contribution of both formal and informal networks towards containing COVID-19 situation have increased. As an example, an informal platform – Women Humanitarian and Disaster Risk Reduction Platform (WHDRRP) organised its second series of webinar titled “Women Leadership Opportunities and Challenges in COVID-19 Response” An experience sharing from Province 5 on 19 July.
• The three-month Lockdown Analysis Report of Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC), shows that the cases of human rights violations are on the rise; with at least 436 cases of human rights violation recorded during the first three months of lockdown; out of which, 124 were rape cases, 37 attempts to rape and 274 cases of domestic violence, among others.
Source: https://reliefweb.int/report/nepal/covid19-nepal-response-situation-report-no-xvi-20-july-2020