2018 November 20
2018 November 20
Press Release
12 years of Peace Accord: Victim’s issues as it is
Today is the 12th anniversary of Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA) held in 2006 November 21 between the former Maoist rebel and government by formally ending the decade long armed conflict. During this period, important tasks such as holding CA election, promulgation of constitution from CA, holding three levels of election and management of Maoist combatant were undertaken. But, the important issue regarding conflict victims raised by CPA is side lined till date. The Comprehensive Peace Accord is taken as an entry point of progression of Nepal’s prosperity and establishment of democracy.
It took nine years to build the transitional justice mechanisms as stated in Peace Accord. The two transitional mechanisms were seen as a point of hope for the conflict victims however they could not be effective as expected. The government on the other hand is adopting the norms of forgetting the conflict incidents by putting the provision of giving amnesty to the perpetrators involved in a serious human rights abuse during the armed conflict which is not justifiable.
“Nepal Conflict Report-2012” published by United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has stated that more than 10,000 incidents on human rights and humanitarian law violation were reported during the decade long armed conflict. The political parties of Nepal must be aware on time that giving immunity to the perpetrators of human rights violation can attract the international law. It will be the big mistake of the political parties if this issue is neglected and not addressed on time.
It is important to formulate necessary law as per the international human rights law to address the issues of conflict victims and find out the way as per the mandamus issued by the apex court in 2014, January 2. In this context of completion of 12 years of CPA we would like to demand Nepal government and political parties to completely follow peace accord, provide relief to the victim and reparation along with the improvement of the weak acts in the Truth and Reconciliation act.
Indira Shrestha