20 July 2018
Saving the weightage of Dr KC
Our serious attention has been drawn on a clash between the agitators and police during the process of bringing agitating orthopedic Dr Govinda KC to Teaching Hospital in Kathmandu for treatment from Jumla after the Karnali Institute of Health and Science said that his treatment is not possible in Karnali.
Public health is a basic rights of a citizen which is also adopted by the constitution of Nepal. We have formed the state bodies as per the commitment of solving public issues through democratic methods and processes. The government already have the report submitted by Giri commission, Mathema Commission and Karki Commission to make the health education manageable and disciplined.
We are confident that the bill presented by the government in the house can be finalized by the meaningful dialogue with stakeholders in parliamentary committee. Democracy is a rule of law and there is no place for constrain or else we will be only establishing the practice of anarchy and our future will be trapped on it.
For the effective health services, necessary process and infrastructure is essential. It is important to make it effective by respecting relative laws and all levels of state officials, and for this, it is important for doctors himself to show disciplined and committed participation.
Some people were injured in Jumla during a clash when doctors obstructed police force to take Dr KC to Kathmandu for treatment. One of the policeman is in serious condition. Dr KC himself is showing agony against the Prime Minister and all health services except emergency services are being closed due to the agitation.
We would like to urge government and Dr KC to sit in a meaningful and accountable dialogue without having any biasness respecting the rule of law.
We would also like to urge Dr KC that he is well known on his “Satyagraha” and this is his weightage. His responsibility covers not letting the health services to go towards anarchy but to make it more disciplined and controlled.
Subodh Raj Pyakurel